Standards/ TBTs / IPR-Market Access
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) adopted EN 301 549 Standard as Indian Standard
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the national standard development body of India, has published Indian Standard IS 17802-"Accessibility for ICT Products and Services, Part 1: Requirements" which is the technical adoption of European Standard EN 301 549-"Accessibility Requirements of ICT Products and Services" developed by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. Modifications have been made to adapt it to India and are limited to referencing the relevant regulatory context (Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016) and the official languages of India.
Prime Minister Calls for Stable Global Supply Chain and Cyber Security Standards
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the 16th East Asia Summit (EAS), called for a resilient and stable global supply chain and raised the idea of developing global standards on cyber security. The PM's comments on developing global standards on cyber security are significant amid allegations of hacking by China.
TEC Applies for TBT with WTO to notify (MTCTE) – Phase III & IV
India has submitted TBT notification - G/TBT/N/IND/218” related to 8517 - Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks “ to the World Trade Organization (WTO) for protection of human safety and Quality. This TBT was filed by the Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC), under the Department of Telecommunications to notify Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Systems (MTCTE) – Phase III & IV.
National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM) launched
A National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM) under the initiative of the Government's "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav", has been launched by Shri Anurag Jain, Secretary, DPIIT on 8/12/2021. The pan-India ambitious mission aims to provide awareness on intellectual property and its rights to 1 million students. It aims to inculcate the spirit of creativity and innovation to students of higher education (classes 8 to 12) and ignite and inspire the students at college/Universities to innovate and protect their creations. During the launch, Govt. emphasized the importance of the role of a strong IPR ecosystem in the advancement of a country and how IPR is an important tool for the IP holder to become a "Job giver rather than job seeker".
Commerce and Industry Minister Reiterates Call for IPR Waiver at WTO
Commerce and Industry Minister called for waiver of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in World Trade Organization (WTO) and dismantling new trade barriers in the global fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. In October 2020, India and South Africa had submitted the first proposal, suggesting a waiver for all WTO members on the implementation of certain provisions of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) in relation to the prevention, containment, or treatment of Covid-19. In May, a revised proposal was submitted by 62 co-sponsors, including India, South Africa, and Indonesia. The TRIPS agreement came into effect in January 1995.