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ICT Including Services

Made in India 5G technology to be incorporated in global standard

In a major boost for the Department of Telecom, the made-in-India standard 5Gi is all set to be formally incorporated in the global 5G standard (3GPP). This will enable telecom equipment makers, especially the domestic players, to start using this standard to develop network gear for 5G services. According to sources, a formal agreement is expected to be announced in the coming week. The DoT has been coordinating with the global players for the incorporation of 5Gi with the 3GPP standard. 3GPP is an international body that defines the global standard for telecom sector. The new standard was developed under the supervision of Telecom Standard Development Society India and DoT with major contribution from all major IITs and IISc.

TAGS #5g
ICT Including Services

Unified cyber security task force by March

Concerned about the growing threat posed by cyber-attacks and national security threats, the government is in the process of forming a unified national-level cyber security task force with a special focus on risks posed by the telecom sector. The move comes at a time when the government is finalizing a “trusted source” list for telecom gear procurement as the country moves towards 5G and other cutting-edge telecom and immersive technologies, but insignificant purchases from China and other countries are detrimental to India’s security interests.