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Main News

India-EU Partnership on Energy Research in RE and Smart Grids

India-European Union (EU) Flagship Call on Integrated Local Energy Systems was announced at India Smart Utility Week 2020. This partnership between Indian and the EU will help in Clean Energy and Climate, this partnership will foresee strengthened cooperation in energy research and innovation, mainly in renewable energy and its integration in the energy system. The collaboration can make energy supply cleaner, more efficient and affordable to all. This Indo-EU flagship call is fully in line with both the European Union’s and India’s involvement in Mission Innovation (MI).


NITI Aayog released its National Block-chain Policy Draft Paper

Indian government policy “think tank” NITI Aayog has released its national blockchain policy draft paper, titled “Blockchain – The India Strategy”. The policy explains different use cases of blockchain in the country alongside some conclusions from ongoing pilot projects.  The strategy document is aimed at clarifying the concepts surrounding the blockchain technology. Its target stakeholders include enterprise leaders, the government, and citizens of the country. 

This first part of the two-part Strategy document deals with fundamental concepts, trust systems, the economic benefit of smart contracts and blockchain, ease of doing business and other ongoing use cases. Part two, which will be released soon, will mainly cover different recommendations for using blockchain in India.


Power ministry launches portal to track states' energy efficiency performance

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under the aegies of the power ministry today released the State Energy Efficiency Index 2019, a portal that will track the progress of energy efficiency initiatives in all the states and union territories based on 97 indicators. The Index launched by power minister will help states contribute towards national goals on energy security and climate action by helping drive energy efficiency policies and program implementation at the state and local level, according to a statement.

Govt brings external hard drive, LED modules, headphones under BIS registration

The government of India notified 12 electronic products, including external hard drive, wireless headphone and earphones, television other than plasma, LCD and LED TV sets, that would require mandatory registration under the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) before sale in the country. The government in the notification for "Addition of product categories to the Schedule of the "Electronics and Information Technology Goods (Requirements for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2012"…..