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India Patent- 2019/2020 annual report published

DPIIT India which is also responsible for formulation and implementation of IPR policies has recently published its annual report for the year 2019/2020. Chapter 5 of the annual report provides description of recent activities of the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM) carried out in 2019/2020 including:

  • implementation of new amendments in Patent Rules

  • number of patents granted under the expedited examination procedure

  • number of applications received by CGPDTM in the capacity of ISA and IPEA 

MEITY has prepared a strategy paper entitled “National Strategy on Additive manufacturing (AM)” for promoting various verticals of the AM sector

To keep pace with rapid global manufacturing prowess, India needs to adopt an integrated approach to additive manufacturing in all segments including defence and public sectors, especially within the nation?s small, medium and large-scale industries. The National Strategy on Additive manufacturing (AM) will aim to create a conducive ecosystem for design, development and deployment, and to overcome technical and economic barriers for Global AM leaders to set up their operations with supporting ancillaries in India, facilitating development of the domestic market and enhancement of global market share.


IIT Kharagpur researchers develop UAV assisted communication infrastructure for 5G

Flying base stations are a feature that enhances wireless capacity and coverage footprint on the ground with ultra-dense traffic demands, to meet the requirements of 5G and B5G or beyond 5G cellular communications.  Researchers from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur have developed a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) assisted communication infrastructure for 5G that can serve as an air-borne mobile telecom tower during emergency situations. The system includes an Android-based application fitted to a fleet of drones which are programmed to create emergency communication networks by extending cellular network coverage from the closest available mobile tow.

India Climate Change Knowledge Portal” launched

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, launched the “India Climate Change Knowledge Portal”. The Portal will be a “single point Information resource” which provides information on the different climate initiatives taken by various Line Ministries enabling users to access updated status on these initiatives. The portal captures sector-wise adaptation and mitigation actions that are being taken by the various line Ministries in one place including updated information on their implementation. The knowledge portal will help in disseminating knowledge among citizens about all the major steps Government is taking at both national and international levels to address climate change issues. 

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