Electrical Equip. /Consumer Electronics
Govt earmarks Rs 22,500 crore (€2.6 billion) for smart pre-paid meters under new discom scheme
States which can install smart prepaid meters before December 2023 will also be eligible for an additional incentive of Rs 450 per meter. According to an office memorandum released by the Union power ministry on the contours of the discom scheme, the new meters are to be installed first in the 500 cities covered under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (Amrut) programme where aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses — an indicator of pilferage — are greater than 15%.
Tata Power Ties Up with AutoGrid for AI Based Energy Management
Tata Power-DDL and AutoGrid are jointly launching a behavioural demand response program for company’s residential customers to reduce peak demand and network capital costs. This pilot project aims to empower customers, by helping them understand their consumption patterns and evaluate the effectiveness of demand response (DR) programs. AutoGrid is a global leader in AI-based energy management solutions, to undertake joint project around demand response (DR), distributed energy resource management (DERMS), electric vehicles (EVs), virtual power plants (VPPs), energy storage optimization, flexibility management, forecasting, and renewable integration. Tata Power-DDL and AutoGird both will strive to develop and deploy cutting-edge energy management technologies to optimize usage for the larger benefit of Tata Power-DDL customers.
MeitY has a 1,000-day plan for a $1-trillion digital economy
The Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) has chalked out a 1,000-day agenda, aiming to make India a $1 trillion digital economy over the next few years. Key to the initiative will be making India the largest connected nation in the world, bringing coherence into digital governance, simplifying rules and legislations for technology and social media companies, and focusing on building India’s high-tech prowess.
Ministry of Power (MoP) has released following notifications
Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2021. Read more/download>>
Order on Testing power system equipment for use in the Supply System & Network in the country for Cyber Security. Read more>>
Seeking comments Draft Electricity (Promoting renewable energy through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2021. Read more>>
Guidelines for Encouraging Competition in Development of Transmission Projects and TBCB Guidelines.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) issued following notifications/guidelines
Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) to provide for Purchase Preference (linked with local content) in respect of Renewable Energy (RE) Sector Read more/Download>>
Financial Support Scheme to Promote Innovative Industrial Organic Waste-to-Energy (IOWtE) Biomethanation Technologies and Business Models in India & GIS Waste Mapping Tool under GEF-MNRE-UNIDO Project Read more>>
Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for conducting evaluation of the programme/scheme for "Development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects".