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European Standardization


Access to CEN standards

All European Standards (ENs) and drafts (prENs), as well as any other approved document (Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and CEN Workshop Agreements) can be purchased from CEN National Members and CEN affiliates. For more details and the list of the National Members please visit:
CEN website offers also a “Search standards” function (, which allows to search in the entire collection of published standards and standards under development. The search can be done by English title, standard reference, document type, ICS, progress status and committee. The results of the search may be displayed by Work Item number, standard reference or committee. The ‘More’ button in the last column of the search results gives the national implementations of the standards, with links to the websites of the CEN Members.

Access to CENELEC standards

All CENELEC standards can be purchased exclusively via the National Standardization Organizations of CENELC and usually in their national languages. To see a complete list of National members and standards in their languages, please click here:

Standards in English can be purchased from British Standards Institute (BSI):

Standards in German can be purchased from German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (DKE):

Standards in French can be purchased from French Electro Technical Association (UTE):

All standards are protected by copyrights and it is forbidden to copy them for further distribution or commercial use. CEN and CENLEC encourage the National Standard Bodies of Third Countries to adopt EN standards and there is no limitation on sales of adopted standards within the country. Translations into third country languages of adopted EN standards may be published and sold, however, a commission might apply. Publication of EN Standards without adoption is possible, however will subject to a commission to CEN / CENELEC. If publication is to be done in English, it shall require an agreement with the respective national standard body (BSI in UK or NSAI in Ireland).

Access to ETSI standards

ETSI standards can be downloaded  in English free of charge directly from the ETSI website after simple registration:

For re-publication of ETSI standards translated or in original language a copyright agreement with ETSI is required.