OSM Whitepaper: OSM Deployment and Integration
This whitepaper illustrates how Open Source Mano (OSM) can interwork with a Communications Service Providers (CSP)’s existing Business and Operational Support Systems (BSS/OSS) and reap many of the process automation benefits by looking at the use case of business services. This use case shows how OSM can interface with existing BSS/OSS through its northbound interface (NBI), so that network services can be orchestrated and managed by OSM can be presented to the customer through an existing BSS and/or integrated with existing business services. In the latter case, the network service orchestrated and managed by OSM can be integrated as a component of a wider service, managed by the existing BSS/OSS.
ANEC and ECOS published their Work Programmes for 2020
2020 is shaping up to be a pivotal year. With the new Commission presenting new important initiatives such as the Green Deal and the new Industrial Strategy, standardization has an even bigger role to play. In this context, ANEC (the European consumer voice in standardisation) and ECOS (European Environmental Citizens' Organisation for Standardisation) have presented their Work Programmes for 2020, presenting the two organizations' priorities for the year to come. • ECOS WP2020 • ANEC WP2020