FRMCS Remote Plugtests
When- 2021-06-14 to 2021-06-18
Where- Virtual Event
ETSI, with the support of the European Commission (EC), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the Critical Communications Association (TCCA) and the Union Internatinale des Chemins de fer (UIC), is organising the FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) Plugtests event which will take place as a remote-only event from 14th to 18th June 2021. For more information, please
3GPP Radio Access Networks group elects its new Chair
When- 2021-05-05 to 2021-05-05
Where- Virtual Event
In March, the TSG RAN leadership elections concluded with the appointment of Wanshi Chen as Chair for the next two years. In this first interview with him, Wanshi will outline some of his priorities for the new term and update you on the latest status of Release 17 radio specifications and on TSG RAN’s latest thinking on the process that will lead to the agreement of the content of the Release 18 package of features, that will become the priority once Release 17 is completed by mid-2022. For more information, please
10-10 webinar: Lessons learned for CEN and CENELEC from the COVID-19 crisis
When- 2021-05-10 to 2021-05-10
Where- Virtual Event
A presentation of how CEN and CENELEC contributed to mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, followed by a more forward-looking overview of the lessons learned from the crisis as organizations, both at national and at European level. This reflection on past experiences and the best practices we identified throughout, are meant to further enhance our organizational resilience in the face of future challenges and are arguably of broader interest to other organizations and sectors as well. For more information, please
REM remote Plugtests
When- 2021-05-31 to 2021-06-18
Where- Virtual Event
ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI) is organizing a remote Plugtests interoperability event on Registered Electronic Mail (REM) standard. This event will be run remotely from 31 May to 18 June 2021 using a testing infrastructure and a dedicated portal. The participation is free of charge. For more information, please
Webinar for Standard Drafters: Drafting standards in Microsoft Word – Using Word more confidently &
When- 2021-05-27 to 2021-05-27
Where- Virtual Event
This webinar is geared towards helping standards drafters use Word more confidently and efficiently when drafting standards and interacting with CCMC editors. This webinar is based on input from participants regarding trouble or issues they have with drafting standards in Word. These issues will be discussed and demonstrated in the webinar. For more information, please
10-10 webinar: CEN approach on addressing environmental issues in standardization
When- 2021-06-10 to 2021-06-10
Where- Virtual Event
This webinar will give an overview on the content of the CEN environmental approach and the new elements in the revised version. It will explain its relevance for the CEN technical bodies and reiterate the “mandatory elements” applicable since the adoption of the original CEN environmental approach (original title: “CEN approach on addressing environmental issues in Product and Services Standards”). For more information, please
OSM#11 Hackfest
When- 2021-05-31 to 2021-06-04
Where- Virtual Event
ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability and the OSM community organise the OSM#11 Hackfest from 31 May to 04 June 2021. The event will be run remotely, allowing participants to join the hands-on sessions from home. The OSM#11 Hackfest will be followed by the OSM#11 Plenary the week after. For more information, please
WEBINAR: ETSI standards for trust services and digital signatures
When- 2021-06-01 to 2021-06-01
Where- Virtual Event
The ETSI Technical Committee Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (TC ESI) is organising a training on its standards on trust services and their use. This virtual event will take place on 1 June from 11:00 CEST to 15:00 CEST. For more information, please
The European Forum on Electronic Signature and Trust Services 2021 (EFPE)
When- 2021-06-10 to 2021-06-10
Where- Virtual Event
EFPE is the largest international conference in Europe dedicated to electronic trust services, including electronic signature and PKI, as well as electronic identification and digital security. For two decades, EFPE has brought together experts and professionals in law, technology and practice in the application of electronic trust services. For more information, please