Message From SESEI
Greeting from Project SESEI!!!
Dear Readers,
A very warm welcome to our ninth edition of the “SESEI newsletter -India”. We are pleased to share with our Indian stakeholder’s, updates on various standardisation and policy updates being introduced in Europe. Given the synergies’ in ever evolving global environment, Indian scenario being one may surely benefit from the aspects outlined here. In this edition, we have made slight changes for ease of reading, grouping together news and updates from our project partners.
First, I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and extend sincere thanks to all of you for your kind participation to our SESEI IV Survey and providing valuable insight. The results collected from the survey have helped validated the needs, effectiveness, and support this project SESEI has provided to its stakeholders and to the overall project objectives. The survey data not only substantiates the synergies generated between Indian and European standardisation community but also helped in getting interesting insights and feedback such as how they think the project has benefited them, what more they desire further, appreciation for the contributions made by the project expert and their desire for the collaboration to continue between India and EU.
The EU is stepping up its strategic engagement with the Indo-Pacific region and in this regard, European Commission have adopted a Joint Communication on the EU Strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. To reduce technical barriers to trade, the EU will work with likeminded Indo-Pacific partners on standard setting and other regulatory priorities, in compliance with WTO principles. The EU will also initiate regulatory cooperation in areas to support the green and digital transitions, resume trade negotiations and launch negotiations for a separate investment protection agreement and for an agreement on geographical indications as agreed to do in May 2021. European Commission is also pushing towards common charging solution for all relevant devices.
CEN-CENELEC is deeply engaged in path breaking work in the realm of environment safety, energy efficiency & resources efficiency and is avidly contributing towards the European Green deal mandate. During this quarter, it has published EN 17507 ‘Road vehicles - Portable Emission Measuring Systems (PEMS) - Performance assessment’, which will help in measuring particulate emissions of road vehicles, and thus contributing to reducing transport pollution’. Similarly, a new standards on Energy efficiency of Jet fans EN ISO 12759-5 have also been adopted and is applicable for all jet fan types driven by motors with an electrical input power range from 5.5 kW to 155 kW. Another interesting initiative by CEN-CENELEC is towards the digitisation of Insurance industry. CEN/TC 445 ‘Digital information Interchange in the Insurance Industry’ will help in standardization of the data formats being used for information exchange in the insurance industry. In November 2020, CEN/TC 445 published the European standard EN 17419-1:2020, which specifies the transfer of electronic documents. We would also encourage you to download very comprehensive brochure and infographics on future of standardization in the digital transition as well as set of standards for the bio-based products and publication of New Guidelines (ISO/TS82304-2) on Health & Wellness Apps released by CEN/CENELEC.
Many new initiatives and releases at ETSI have also been featured in the newsletter. A new Industry Specification Group on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (ISG RIS) have been created to review and establish global standardization for RIS technology which opens new opportunities to improve the performance of wireless systems. ETSI has also released 5th Generation Fixed Network group (F5G) Technology Landscape. In this specification - ETSI GS F5G 003 Group studies the technical requirements, existing standards and gaps for 10 different new use cases, for home, enterprises or industrial needs. Three major specifications and reports as developed by ETSI’s Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) group have also been released during this quarter, which defines end-to-end network slicing management and orchestration architecture blueprint and solutions. The Industry Specification Group on Encrypted Traffic Integration (ISG ETI) have released its first report, ETSI GR ETI 001, on Encrypted Traffic Integration (ETI); Problem Statement, providing details of the impact of encrypted traffic on stakeholders and how these stakeholders' objectives interrelate. Also a new report by the MEC Industry Specification Group (ETSI ISG MEC) on inter-MEC system deployment and MEC-Cloud system coordination ETSI GR MEC 0035 analyses eight use cases that require inter-system coordination, including those in multi-mobile network operators’ (MNOs) environments.
This newsletter comprises of many more important information, developments of new concepts and standards as released by the Project partners including White Papers/ Strategy documents and upcoming events/seminars.
We encourage you to please read the newsletter and share it with your colleagues in your organisation. We look forward to your suggestions, comments, and words of encouragement.
Happy Reading!!!
Warm regards,
Dinesh Chand Sharma
(Seconded European Standardization Expert in India)
Director – Standards & Public Policy
Mobile: +91 9810079461, Desk: +91 11 3352 1525