Past Newsletters India

SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 11, January 2019
On behalf of Project SESEI and its stakeholders, I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year 2019. With the onset of the year we are ready yet again with a fresh dose of our latest updates and information around policy & regulatory decisions and standards development activities being carried out in India around our project priority sectors. This eleventh edition of our “SESEI Newsletter Europe”, has all this and much more.
As recognized by EU through its “Joint Communication – Elements for an EU Strategy on India” , India is one of the fastest growing economy amongst the developing nations and is seen as a large market player and is a natural partner with a considerable consumer power, a manufacturing hub with skilled labour and technology advancements. India has taken initiative to consolidate its position at the World forum while representing the developing nations, and asked WTO that developing countries need to maintain policy space in certain aspects of ecommerce such as ownership and use and flow of data especially in the wake of the deployment of new technologies like IoT, M2M, etc. India is also under the process of drafting a new Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) which will be WTO compliant and would help boost the country’s exports.
For the development of Smart Cities and other sustainable development in India, Germany has promised 765 million Euros in 2018. Germany is also collaborating closely with India on many big-ticket infrastructure and technology transfer projects. The German Ambassador launched the Smart City Innovation Lab – the intellectual platform for technology sharing. 2019 appears to be a promising year for the Smart City projects as 50 out of 100 command centers are expected to be fully functional by the end of 2019.
In the automotive sector creation of an effective ecosystem for the Electrical Vehicles is of paramount priority to the Government and all the necessary policies and regulatory steps are being taken. The Ministry of Power (MoP) has announced guidelines and standards for the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in India. Through these guidelines, the government aims to enable faster adoption of EVs, and support the development of EV charging infrastructure throughout the country. These guidelines will allow private charging stations to be setup at residences, and distribution companies (DISCOMs) will facilitate the same. The National Thermal Power Corporation of India (NTPC) is also collaborating with the vehicle aggregators like Ola, Uber, Zoom car etc. for development and utilization of public charging infrastructure. NTPC is also planning to provide charging solutions for the entire range of electric vehicles ranging from electric buses to electric 2/3-wheelers and developing associated e-mobility ecosystem across the country and is currently under discussion with various State/City administrations.
In the ICT sector, the current thrust of the government is towards introduction of 5G services in the country. The government expects to complete the processes for 5G spectrum auction by August 2019 and the implementation of services by 2020. The government has also freed a set of spectrum in the 5 Ghz band from licensing for providing Wi-fi and partially 5G services by telecom companies.
It is also very encouraging that India is slowly but surely becoming electronics hub for the handset and component manufacturing. A total 268 mobile handset and component manufacturing units have been setup in India and are creating more than 670K jobs. A similar trend is also witnessed in the automotive sector, where automotive giants like Volkswagen and Volvo are setting up their manufacturing and assembly units in India.
Apart from the manufacturing in India (Make in India), smart energy and deployment of smart metes has also been the main agenda items in the electrical sector. The national energy policy is being drafted by the Niti Aayog (think tank of the govt.) which shall lay down the road map for the country’s push towards renewable energy.
Many more such news and updates have been captured in this 11th edition of our newsletter, which shall hopefully make the newsletter an interesting and informative read for all of you.
We will soon be changing the look and feel of our Newsletter and look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions to further improvise it. Happy Reading once again.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 10, October 2018
We are proud to bring the tenth edition of “Project SESEI Newsletter India”. This newsletter provides you with a glimpse of the various activities, standards and technological advancements being carried out by the project partners. The reading of this newsletter also provides us with an understanding that India is moving at par with the world for having a vision for sustainable, technological development in the country and is taking the right steps around the subject of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Electric cars, bio fuels, Intelligent Transport, Smart ecosystem, etc. These are the common areas for both India and Europe and a lot of learning and best practices can be shared between the two regions.
Artificial Intelligence is being hailed as the next technological evolution. The European Commission recently released its Communication COM(2018) 237 on ‘Artificial Intelligence for Europe’ which focuses on the need for standardization to support the deployment, interoperability, scalability, safety and liability of AI. In this regard, CEN and CENELEC held a workshop to discuss and identify areas and ways in which standards can help implement trustworthiness in AI systems. CEN- CENELC also held a joint workshop on the “Best Practices and a Code of Conduct for Licensing Industry Standard Essential Patents in the Internet of Things (IoT) / Industrial Internet and a draft document based on the outcome of the workshop is now available for comments. CEN CENELEC also issued new standards on IT cabling & design and Product standard covering luminous signs with discharge lamps and/or LED. We are also happy to announce that in line with the prioritization exercise of CEN and CENELEC on their international partnerships, four Task Forces were created for cooperation with Africa, the Gulf region, Japan and India, based on real market needs.
European Commission has published its Annual Work Programme on European Standardization for 2019. On the occasion of the World Standards Day, Commission also organized a joint conference themed “Standards meet the future”, with CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, together and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), emphasizing on the need for standardization and the role it plays in the growth of economy. The European Commission is also very proactively working towards creating an ecosystem for electric mobility and in this regard while understanding the importance, need and status of Europe in production of batteries, Commission has created its ‘Strategic Action Plan on Batteries’. This Action Plan defines a strategy to create a competitive and sustainable battery manufacturing industry in Europe. The Commission also issued new EU-wide harmonized fuel symbols under the Directive 2014/94 EU on the “development of alternative fuels meets the current and future needs of the European market” to provide wider access to alternative fuels. It also introduces the requirement of labeling new vehicles and fuel distributors at petrol stations. Thanks to this new uniform regulations throughout the EU, it will be easier for drivers to choose the right fuel for their vehicle.
The ETSI issued its Work Programme for 2018 – 2019, providing overview of their current standardization projects. ETSI is also working on the development of standards around technologies which have had a major global impact, including network virtualization, automation, artificial intelligence, quantum cryptography, IoT, smart cities and of course 5G, etc. ETSI Technical Committee on Cybersecurity has recently released two specifications on Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) that describe how to protect personal data securely—with fine-grained access controls. It has also updated its five-part international compendium of Technical Reports to protect networks from cyber-attacks: the “Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defence” are based on the CIS Controls® and related materials. ETSI’s Industry Specific Group on Quantum Cryptography released a White paper on Implementation Security of Quantum Cryptography and the Multi-access Edge Computing ISG released a new White Paper entitled “MEC in an Enterprise Setting: A Solution Outline” and the ETSI GR MEC 022called “Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC); Study on MEC Support for V2X Use Cases”. A new version of ETSIspecification EN 301 549 was also published on accessibility requirements for ICT products and services, that now includes the design of websites and mobile applications. This standard was jointly developed with CEN and CENELEC.
Apart from the important standardization related news, we have also provided links to the important White Paper and documents and event calendar of Europe.
As always, we look forward to your comments and suggestions to further improvise it. With this we wish all our readers a very Happy Diwali and Happy Reading once again.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 09, July 2018
A very warm welcome to all our readers as we bring this ninth edition of our “Project SESEI Newsletter India”. Through this newsletter, it is our endeavor to update you with the latest information around standards, polices, new initiatives and technologies from Europe on the project priority sectors (Smart Cities, Automotive, ICT including Services and Electrical Equipment including Consumer Electronics).
We would like to begin by thanking all of you in making the success of the 3rd Indo-European Conference on Standards and Emerging Technology held on 26th April 2018, New Delhi, India. This 3rd conference in the series was an ongoing attempt to further build on the platform for having an effective and continuous dialogue between India and Europe around new and emerging technologies and as well identify key areas of collaboration. The focus of the conference this year was on Automotive, Smart Energy and ICT. During the conference three comprehensive study reports were released on these subjects.
The news and information in this newsletter is an extension of our last edition. As you are aware the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became applicable across EU’s member states uniformly from 25th May 2018. The Regulation is designed to make sure that people’s personal information is protected – no matter where it is sent, processed or stored – even outside the EU, as may often be the case on the internet. Accordingly, appropriate measures are being adopted by Indian companies dealing with the data from Europe. Apart from GDPR, Artificial Intelligence and Energy efficiency are key areas of focus for European Commission. ETSI hosted a conference on Data Protection and Privacy in a Data-Driven Economy to exchange views and concerns on the topics that impact both enterprises and citizens’ lives.
The Commission has released its Communication COM(2018) 237 ‘Artificial Intelligence for Europe’, setting out a European initiative on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is part of its “Delivering on the Digital Single Market. The Commission also recognizes the role of standardization towards accomplishment of these goals. CEN, CENELEC and ETSI are contributing by way of creating new standards to answer the challenges AI brings, particularly in terms of safety and liability and ethical considerations. On the adoption of the new energy efficiency savings target of 32.5% for 2030 by the European Commission, the CEN CENELEC Sector Forum Energy Management (SFEM) presented its position on achieving this objective at the policy conference for EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2018.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 08, April 2018
We are pleased to present our eighth edition of “Project SESEI Newsletter India” for our Indian stakeholders and community, bringing latest updates about the news and information around standards, polices, new initiatives and technologies from Europe around our Sectors covering ICT, Automotive, Electrical Equipment including Consumer Electronics and Smart Cities.
First, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to attend our 3rd Indo-European Dialogue on Standards and Emerging Technology on 26th April 2018 at Hotel Lalit, New Delhi. This Conference will focus on the important areas of ICT covering M2M/IoT & its role in Smart Cities+Cyber Security, Automotive covering Electric mobility and Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and Smart Energy covering Smart Grid, Smart Meter, LVDC, Micro Grid etc. We invite you to come and join us for this conference and contribute towards strengthening the ongoing dialogue between India and Europe.
Data protection, cyber security & sustainable development are high on the European Commission’s (EC) agenda. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replacing the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC will become applicable across EU’s member states uniformly from 25th May 2018. GDPR is designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy. A cybersecurity package with new initiatives was adopted by the Commission in Sept 2017 to further improve EU cyber resilience, deterrence and defence. European Union Agency for Network Information Security (ENISA) is strengthened further to play a key role in the EU’s cybersecurity landscape. Recently, CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, together with ENISA, organized a joint conference to discuss and provide key recommendations and inputs to make the proposed regulation more effective and comprehensive. CEN and CENELEC are also addressing cybersecurity through the CEN-CLC/JTC 13 ‘Cybersecurity and data protection’ that is exploring adoption of ISO/IEC/JTC1 standards at European level – possibly completed with TSs and/or TRs for the European implementation of these international standards (ISO/IEC 270nn series). European Commission is fully committed towards implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement. Significant progress has been achieved and the EU is showing the world, the way to sustainable urban development with the ongoing implementation of its Urban Agenda for the EU. Recently, Commission also arrived at an agreement for monitoring and reporting CO2 emissions and fuel consumption data from new heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), i.e. lorries, buses and coaches. This is the first ever EU legislation focusing on the CO2 emissions from these vehicles. European Commission have constituted group on Artificial intelligence (AI). This expert group will draw up a proposal for guidelines on AI ethics, building on today’s statement by the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 07, January 2018
We are pleased to present our seventh edition of “European Project SESEI Newsletter India”, comprehensive with quarterly update of news and information around standards, polices, new initiatives and technologies from Europe around our Project Priority Sectors covering ICT, Automotive, Electrical Equipment including Consumer Electronics and Smart Cities.
We are happy to inform you that ETSI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Broadband India Forum (BIF) to promote topics such as 5G, M2M and IoT, IPRs as well as privacy and security related matters in India. ETSI is already actively contributing towards standardization activities in India through the its Project SESEI and the EU-India project on ICT standardization. Similarly, CEN, CENELEC along with & SARSO (South Asian Regional Standards Organization) have also formalized a cooperation agreement which will enable greater technical alignment between Europe and South Asian countries, including India. These are important steps initiated by Europe through its European standards development organizations (ESOs) to create a common framework for sharing of information, transferring of technical knowledge, exchange of best practices in sectors of mutual interest.
ETSI has recently started three new Industry Specification Groups called “City Digital Profile” (ISG CDP), Industry Specification Group on Augmented Reality Framework (ISG ARF) and Zero touch network and Service Management Industry Specification Group (ZSM ISG). ISG CDP will focus mainly on helping cities to become smart while procuring smart solutions which are extendable, configurable and interoperable with similar services from other cities and providers, and provide a clear technology road map for city leaders who will benefit from standardized solutions from their suppliers. The Industry Specification Group on Augmented Reality Framework (ISG ARF) aims to synchronize efforts and identify key use cases and scenarios for developing an Augmented Reality (AR) framework with relevant components and interfaces. The ZSM ISG will initially focus on the 5G end-to-end network and service management such as network slicing management and will extend to the management for future network generations. The ZSM ISG will also facilitate the coordination and cooperation between relevant standardization bodies and open source projects.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 06, October 2017
We are pleased to bring the sixth edition of “EU Project SESEI Newsletter India”, filled with news and information around standards and related policies from Europe around Project Priority Sectors.
Realizing the potential of the M2M/IoT in India and its role in India’s 100 Smart Cities mission, oneM2M and its partner Telecom Standards Development Society of India (TSDSI) organized its third oneM2M Industry Day in India on the sidelines of their Technical Plenary Meeting. The conference was part of an impetus for an industry-wide common service layer implementation to further progress and grow M2M/IoT deployments.
ETSI is continuously working towards creating and developing new specifications, platforms and standards for the new and emerging technologies. ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group (ETSI NFV ISG) has published 6 new NFV specifications, which is working towards establishing a ubiquitous platform upon which the global adoption of network functions virtualization (NFV) technology can take place.
Similarly, ETSI’s Industry Specification Group on Multi-Access Edge Computing (ISG MEC) released a new white paper on Developing Software for Multi-Access Edge Computing on testing and compliance with MEC specifications. The white paper on software development for the network edge is an important tool in helping application developers understand the unique properties of a MEC environment and how to properly architect their applications to fully benefit from MEC. ETSI also released a test methods specification ETSI TS 103 281 to improve the Quality of Service. This specification provides testing methods and models to evaluate conversational services for teleconferences and audio-visual applications.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 05, July 2017
I am pleased to share our fifth edition of “Project SESEI Newsletter India” for our Indian Community and feel happy to say that the Project SESEI is playing an important role in strengthening the cooperation between EU and India around standards and related policies for new technologies.
Sharing of best practices and latest updates through this newsletters is an important outreach mechanism, which help us achieving desired objectives and reach to wider audience.
Globally, standards are considered vital not only to the promotion of business, and services but also to protect the environment, customer, ensure sustainability and smart living. Recently, the European Parliament approved a report on ‘European standards’ which was acknowledged and fully supported by European Standards Organization’s (ESO’s) CEN CENELEC. Recognizing the need for standards to be high quality and to be made available timely, CEN and CENELEC have also adopted the “Strategic Plan for the Digital Transformation Initiative”, for promoting the increased use of digital solutions in a continuously changing Digital Economy. Similarly, CEN CENELEC have also adopted proactive approach towards climate change by revising the existing standards to reduce the vulnerability of the infrastructure to climate change. CEN CENELEC are also actively engaging with the civil society in the process of standardization, ensuring that their interest and rights are protected at all times.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 04, April 2017
We are pleased to present our fourth edition of EU Project SESEI phase 3 Newsletter-India covering important news, updates and information from our European Project Partners, the three European Standardisation Organisations (ETSI, CEN & CENELEC), European Commission (EC) and EFTA (European Free Trade Association).
Reading across the newsletter, you will observe a renewed focus in the standardisation topics – Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Vehicles, and most importantly cyber and digital security are taking precedence. These technologies are being encouraged and supported as they will further facilitate, simplify and secure the lives of people.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 03, January 2017
At the outset, I would like wish all of you a very happy, healthy & prosperous new year 2017!
We are happy to bring this third Edition of our Project SESEI Newsletter India. In this edition, we have put together latest information, updates and news from the stables of the European standardization bodies & Policy Makers. These important news and articles provide us the relevant learning and keeps all of us abreast with the new and exciting work being carried out in the field of standardization & associated policy matters.
Last quarter, we noticed a great boost to IoT interoperability as oneM2M standards are now being used by a number of independent open source foundations and projects as the industry looks to accelerate take up of IoT products and platforms. Alongside these open source initiatives, commercial implementations of oneM2M standards have also grown since the first one was announced in December 2014, with the latest companies to adopt the standard including NEC Corporation, LG subsidiary LG CNS, C-DOT, HPE, InterDigital and Sensinov.
During this last quarter, ETSI also published Three Home Gateway Initiative specifications as Technical Specifications, ETSI TS 103 424 dealing with smart home architecture and system requirements, ETSI TS 103 425 which describes requirements for Wireless Home Area Networks (WHANs) supporting smart home services and ETSI TS 103 426 which contains requirements for HGI Open Platform 2.1 regarding modular software deployments on the home gateway. ETSI’s Industry Specification Group on Next Generation Protocols (NGP ISG) also announced release of its first specifications GS NGP 001: Next Generation Protocols; defining key scenarios to evolve the current Internet Protocol (IP) suite architecture and addresses the future technologies that will be embedded in next generation networks. Similarly, Open Source MANO (OSM) group announced availability of its OSM Release ONE focused on helping industry accelerate the implementation of network virtualization. This release ONE has been engineered, tested and documented to allow for rapid installation in operator labs.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 02, september 2016
I welcome you to the Second Edition of our SESEI Newsletter India, in which we carefully select news, articles and information relevant to the Indian stakeholders around standardisation, policy and legislation. The purpose behind establishment and continuation of this project is to create a platform for free flow of information, knowledge and best practices to facilitate both regions to benefit from each other.
Smart City program is one of the most ambitious plans that has been set up by the Indian government. As you may know recently World Smart City Forum as initiated by IEC was held in Singapore and representatives of all major standards development organization attended this global forum and it was reiterated that in a path towards smarter cities, standardization will play a key role in ensuring consistent outcomes. This was the first time, these different standards organizations from around the world met at this forum to examine how to work together for the greater good of cities and citizens. Participants expressed their commitment to uphold principles of mutual respect, transparency, openness and sharing of new work information. Discussions looked at gaps; where standards are needed but work has not yet advanced; overlaps, where different organizations may be active; and, how the standards organizations can collaborate to better serve the needs of cities and citizens. The proceeding and the presentation are shared through the article Significant milestone for Smart City development.
As you are aware in India, DIPP has published its response on the SEP’s and FRAND hence you may like reading CEN and CENELEC position paper on the relation between standards and patents essential for their use as published in response to the European Commission’s call to find out suitable solutions regarding the use of essential patents in standards.
SESEI 3 Newsletter, India Issue 01, June 2016
I would like to begin this new edition of SESEI 3 Newsletter series with thanking each one of you for your support and cooperation for making SESEI a successful project. Welcome to the first edition of the Newsletter – India.
In this edition, we bring to you the latest updates covering technology innovations, standards and policy as developed by the European Standards Organization (ESOs), European Commission (EC) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
Looking at the status of work at ETSI and 3GPP on 5G mobile standards, we have an interview update from Mr. Adrian Scrase, ETSI’s CTO and in addition newsletter covers an updates on the Mobile Edge Computing, Industry Specification Group (ISG) which has recently released three foundation-level Group Specifications. A new group has also commenced development of Open Source software for Management and Orchestration (MANO) of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). The open source implementation will be aligned with ETSI’s NFV Industry Specification Group (ISG). ETSI has also published the complete set of updated oneM2M Release 1 specifications.
CEN and CENELEC has issued its work programme for the year 2016, defining the area of focused importance. They have also published two new Guides covering how to address climate change impacts in standards and how to address environmental issues in testing standards. These guides are intended to help those who are involved in drafting standards to take climate change impacts and environmental issues related to testing into account. CEN has also adopted a European Standard that sets out a framework for assessing professional skills and competences in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).
The European Commission latest proposals concerning the future of the European Standardization System (ESS) is an effort towards having a more consistent and unified policy towards standardization and strengthen the Single Market and also supports the implementation of EU policies and legislation. Similarly, the European Commission also presented a Standardisation Package and Joint Initiative on Standardisation to EFTA in which EFTA has had an active role. Both CEN CENLEC and EFTA have agreed to align their efforts with the Commission’s proposal and look forward to the launch of the ‘Joint Initiative on Standardization’ (JIS), which has been developed in the framework of the European Commission’s ‘Single Market Strategy’.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 10, January 2016
I am pleased to share with you all the 10th edition of our SESEI Newsletter – India. The recently concluded COP 21 in Paris has set the stage for all developed and developing countries alike to limit their emissions to relatively safe levels. The safe and clean environment has become a prime concern and the standardization bodies in Europe are working and developing standards and awareness towards a more safe environment.
In this edition, we bring to you news about the new approach adopted by European Economic Area (EEA) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) on local climate measures and role of regional and local bodies. Similarly, the European Standards Organizations CEN and CENELEC have developed a report providing a mapping of European and international standards and other relevant documents applicable to the construction, implementation and operation of data centres and the equipment and systems contained within them. This will provide industry stakeholders with guidance material on energy management and environmental viability.
The European Commission (EC) has also given their nod for implementing measures to introduce real driving emissions tests for air pollutant emissions by diesel cars from 1st September 2017. These new real driving emissions (RDE) tests will determine whether a new car model is allowed to be put on the market. The European Commission has also released new EU procurement laws under which it will be easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to participate in public tenders.
A very interesting article from CEN and CENELEC will provide an insight into how standards facilitate trade between various countries and the important role standardization bodies’ play, in the context of regulatory dialogues and trade talks between the European Union and its major trading partners.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thanks all the ICT standards stakeholders in India for their support and cooperation in making the 2nd ETSI EU-India Dialogue on ICT standards and Emerging Technologies event a great success. We have provided a small synopsis of the event in this newsletter. The main topics covered during this year’s event were Smart City enablers (Internet of Things, Smart Appliances and Machine to Machine), 5G enablers (Network Functions Virtualization, Spectrum choices for the future and Mobile Edge Computing) and Societal enablers (Cyber Security, Lawful Intercept, 3GPP/Telecom Security and Privacy & Trust).
This newsletter also provides detail on the ETSI summit on Open Source and Standardization event which brought together members of the Open Source community along with standardization bodies who exchanged refreshing and stimulating ideas about the interaction between two communities who are already working together. ETSI has also confirmed the need to accelerate on Quantum-Safe Cryptography standards. This Newsletter also covers detailed update on the substantial work being carried out by ETSI in the field of Network Functions Virtualisation. The Industry Specification Group (ISG NFV) has just released 3 new specifications on security and reliability, providing guidance on lawful interception implementation in NFV environment.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 09, October 2015
In this edition of the newsletter, we bring you the news about the new European standards published by CEN and CENELEC on Energy Audits. These standards set out requirements and provide guidance on how to carry out energy audits.
CEN has also adopted revised editions of three of the most successful and widely-used international standards in Quality Management Systems (EN ISO 9000 and EN ISO 9001) and Environmental Management Systems (EN ISO 14001). These standards are used at the European level for companies to deliver benefits in relation to performance, productivity, efficiency and savings (in terms of costs, energy and waste), leading to higher levels of satisfaction among customers and service-users, employees and other stakeholders.
While Standards are considered as important tools for making different systems work together and stimulating the emergence of new eco-systems across a Digital Single Market of more than 500 million people in Europe, It is encouraging and inspiring to read about how the European Commission (EC) launched a public consultation on Standards for the Digital Single Market (DSM). There is also certainly a lot of learning from how the EC and EFTA collaborate on “Better Regulation Agenda “ to cut red tape and create a more business friendly environment, without lowering standards.
In the field of ICT standards, ETSI has released a first set of European Standards to support the Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, or eIDAS. The digital signature makes document authentication easier, greener and more secure.
Newsletter also covers an article on the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS)/GSM-R. GSM-R, which is a digital radio communication system based on GSM is implemented in several countries and offers a portfolio of features, implemented to support Traffic management. In addition GSM-R as a bearer for ERTMS/ETCS, the European Train Control System, is gradually introducing a true intelligent traffic management system all over the railway lines in Europe and several countries worldwide as a recognized operating system.
The IoT and IMT-2020 along with critical communications were identified as the three strategic topics, crucial to building a smarter, safer society through the development of the ICT ecosystem at the 19th meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC). GSC-19 participants reiterated their commitment to maintaining harmonised standards in areas such as communications systems for public safety services, large- scale public warning systems, emergency calling systems and communications systems for disaster relief.
Finally, the European Commission in keeping with a strict emission policy reiterated the message of zero tolerance and strict compliance with EU rules on pollutant emissions.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 08, July 2015
In this edition of SESEI newsletter – India, I am happy to share the latest updates and news from Europe.
Indeed, you will read some of the key lessons that can be taken from the joint CEN, CENELEC and ETSI Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities coordination group (SSCC-CG), a standardization group defining European interests and needs in this important area. The SSCC-CG latest reports and recommendations are now online (under News and Events). In this edition you will also find the results of another CEN, CENELEC and ETSI joint, the Smart Grid Coordination Group (SG-CG), working on the development of standards for the deployment of ‘Smart Grids’.
Another important development reported in this issue is the commitment of CEN and CENELEC to develop standards that will support the transition to a cleaner and smarter economy – notably by reducing waste, improving energy efficiency and promoting the take-up of ‘smart’ solutions that make good use of new technologies. CEN and CENELEC have also created an online tool that will help entrepreneurs and SMEs to learn about standards and get involved in standardization, which is a key objective of the EU Regulation on European Standardization (1025/2012).
I am also very pleased to share an independent research report on the economic contribution of standards to the UK economy and businesses conducted by independent experts at the Centre for Economics and Business (Cebr) and commissioned by British Standards Institute (BSI). The report is the most comprehensive study to date on the economic benefits of standards while looking at economic data from 1921-2013.
From the ETSI’s stables, there are updates on the meeting of the IP6 Industry Specification Group (ISG) which is focusing on scenarios, use cases and best practices to foster IPv6 integration and deployment in a variety of targeted communities. ETSI has also launched a new Industry Specification Group on Quantum Safe Cryptography (ISG QSC) for addressing security issues on a global scale – a growing concern in today’s digital world. In the important Security area ETSI held its Security Week in June with a dedicated focus on Cyber Security and the security aspects of machine-to-machine communications and Internet of Things (M2M/IoT) and Seventh Edition (June 2015) of White paper on Security was also released.
Over the past months the growing alliance between ETSI and TSDSI was further strengthened with the two bodies signing a co-operation agreement (CA) for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of information on standards development, build synergies and avoid duplication of work.
On the European Commission (EC) front, the eCall, the European emergency call system, has been made mandatory by the European Parliament for all new types of cars and vans from 31st March 2018 onward. Another productive step taken by the EC was the publication of the long awaited report listing over 50 specific vehicle safety features that have the most potential to improve vehicle safety, and thus road safety, in the EU. This Newsletter also informs you about the consultation process undertaken by the European Commission with regard to benefits, costs and technical feasibility of the Euro V Environmental Step. The results of this on-line stakeholder consultation will provide an input to the environmental effects and support the European Commission in undertaking the final assessment of the Euro V step requirements.
I would also like to invite you to read the EFTA Annual Report 2014 containing an overview of the functions and activities of EFTA throughout 2014 in the areas of managing the EEA Agreement, EFTA’s worldwide network of free trade agreements and the EFTA Convention. We have also provided links to the work carried out by ETSI, CEN and CENELEC vide their Annual Reports 2014-15 and glimpse of the main work areas planned for 2015-16 in their respective work programmes.
We wish you a pleasant reading and welcome your suggestions and comments to make this newsletter more productive and constructive.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 07, April 2015
In this seventh edition of the project SESEI Newsletter – India, we start by informing our readers about the new edition of ‘Guide for addressing accessibility in standards’ as released by CEN CENELEC. The new Guide can not only be used by standards developers, but by designers, manufacturers, service providers, service users including educators. It sets out a methodology for considering accessibility and integrating relevant requirements during the development and revision of standards for a wide variety of products, services and environments.
In the automotive sector, European Commission launched new CARS 2020 Action Plan for automotive industry on 4th February 2015. The main focus of the action plan would be to strengthen the competiveness of the automotive sector, both in Europe and externally and steer the automotive sector through the ongoing mobility revolution and making Europe the key player and trendsetter in the domains of innovative modes of transport and intelligent transport systems.
CEN developed new European Standards for tyre pressure measuring instruments and monitoring systems which will contribute to improving the safety of cars and other motor vehicles and to reducing the number of accidents on roads. Similarly European Commission adopted a law to help manufacturers seeking to use innovative methods to improve vehicle safety. Vehicle and equipment manufacturers will now be able to present safety features incorporating new and advanced technologies for EU type-approval, which was not always possible under previous legislation.
This edition also features a very comprehensive article written by the ETSI Director-General Mr. Luis Jorge Romero, on 5G technologies, providing information on the 4G, LTE, LTE Advance and 5G technologies standardization work, expectations from different quarters and amalgamation of 5G standards development in 3GPP. 3GPP is a partnership between seven different standards bodies, including ETSI and has proved to be highly successful in delivering high quality specifications which meet industry needs. It will work with other regional standards bodies and Industry to build components of a 5G network.
In the previous edition we had provided you details about the new ETSI Mobile-Edge Computing (MEC) Industry Specification Group (ISG). In this edition we provide further information on the first meeting of ETSI ISG MEC held in December 2014 in Munich. The ISG MEC has also started work on the Proof of Concept (PoC) framework.
Another big news I want to share with you is about oneM2M Release 1 standards – World’s First Global Standards for M2M Deployment. oneM2M’s Release 1 is a set of 10 specifications, all publicly available from oneM2M’s website at , covering requirements, architecture, API specifications, security solutions and mapping to common industry protocols such as CoAP, MQTT and HTTP.
First three specifications of an Internet of Things (IoT) network dedicated to low throughput communications were released by the ETSI’s Low Throughput Networks ISG. These new requirements provide a breakthrough in the M2M business, allowing object connection for a few euros per year, with a few milliwatts for transmission power and a modem costing less than 1 euro. The key to the success of IoT standardization and implementation, these assumptions are the basis for many new and innovative applications.
ETSI also published ETSI Standard ES 203 237 – the ‘Green Abstraction Layer’ (GAL), opening the way to managed energy efficient networks of the future. The GAL is an architectural interface/middleware that gives access to the green networking capabilities of specific devices. It is then able to adapt energy consumption to take account of load variations.
A new ISG was formed at ETSI to work on millimetre Wave Transmission (mWT) to facilitate the use of the V-band (57-66 GHz), the E-band (71-76 & 81-86 GHz) and, in the future, higher frequency bands (up to 300 GHz) for large volume backhaul and fronthaul applications to support mobile network implementation, wireless local loop and any other service benefitting from high speed wireless transmission.
This newsletter also brings forward an endearing example of collaborative efforts the “Smart Grid Coordination Group (SG-CG)” formed jointly by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. The joint efforts has helped in preparing a coherent and consistent understanding of which standards are needed for Smart Grids and how new requirements are being transferred into standardization activities carried out by the various Technical Committees of CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. An interview of the SG-CG chairman bringing out the efforts and work done by the co-ordination group is a must read.
It is also a great learning to know that European Commission and EFTA organized independent review of the European standardization system. The independent review of the European Standardisation System has been carried out by the consultancy company Ernst & Young (E&Y) at the request of the Commission.
Finally, a new tool was launched by the European Union Delegation to India for summarizing a number of European calls for proposals relevant for Indian research organisations and researchers on its website. It includes calls under the European R&I Framework Programme Horizon 2020 as well as bilateral calls between EU Member States or Associated Countries and India.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 06, January 2015
In this sixth edition of the Newsletter – India, we bring to you news about the first showcase event of oneM2M- the global standards initiative for M2M and the Internet of Things (IoT) which took place at ETSI headquarters. This event presented a series of unique live demonstrations, presentations with focus on real-life capabilities of the oneM2M specifications, as applied to smart homes, connected cars, home energy, smart cities, healthcare and business applications. In parallel, ETSI launched its new ETSI Mobile-Edge Computing (MEC) Industry Specification Group (ISG). A group already working on five work items expecting to generate five new specifications by mid-2015.
Among its new standards, ETSI has delivered a Technical Report on support of UHD video over powerline networks, and has published two European Standards on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
At CEN, two new European Standards were adopted that set out revised and updated safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts designed to carry passengers, as well as design rules, calculations, examinations and tests of lift components. The CEN Strategic Advisory Body on Environment (SABE) organized a workshop on ‘Regulated substances of high concern in articles: metrology and communication, and implications for standardization’. Also very interesting to note that the new CEN Project Committee CEN/TC 435 will develop a European Standard establishing requirements related to the hygienic performance of tattooing services.
This newsletter also brings forward articles and interviews emphasizing the role of Standardisation in Innovation, including the efforts of the European community and standardization bodies to bridge the gap between standardization and research and innovation. An interview with Prof. Knut Blind, chairman of the CEN-CENELEC Working Group Standardization, Innovation and Research (STAIR), s precisely hereafter tackling this topic.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 05, October 2014
In the fifth edition of the “Newsletter – India” we bring you news about the European Union (EU) adopting a new set of rules for placing radio equipment on the European market, and putting them into service. The European Commission, the executive body of the EU, also adopted on July 2 a Communication Green Action Plan (GAP) for SMEs: Enabling SMEs to turn environmental challenges into business opportunities.
In the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector, ETSI workshop on the Human side of technology: Human factors in ICT addressed the human side of ICT. In particular it identified opportunities to improve the accessibility of ICT products and services, through further standardization and cooperation with all parties who are working on improving human factors in the ICT area. In parallel, ETSI started work for developing European Standards for Cybersecurity. It has opened a new technical committee on Cybersecurity to address the growing demands for standards in this field. Following the publication of the European Standard on ‘Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe’ (EN 301549:2014) CEN, CENELEC and ETSI have developed an Accessible ICT Procurement Toolkit.
A major milestone was achieved by the Partnership Project OneM2M with its initial Candidate Release of Technical Specifications now available for public comment. OneM2M is looking forward to receiving industry input on these foundation specifications for an M2M Service Layer which will enable scalable global deployment of M2M/IoT implementations.
For the first time, CEN and CENELEC have published a combined annual Work Programme that gives an overview of the most significant standardization activities to be carried out. The CEN and CENELEC Work Programme 2014 bring together information about ongoing and planned standardization activities across all of the sectors and topics in which the two organizations are working on.
The work activities of EU are being strengthened in India. After the creation in 2013 of the first physical European Technology Experience Centre (ETEC) in Bengaluru, ETEC is now expanding its physical centers across India. The first such center, ETEC@TCE in Madurai was launched on 24th July 2014.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 04, August 2014
Greetings from SESEI !
The fourth edition of the “Newsletter – INDIA” brings with it the latest report and updates from Europe. Keeping in with the FIFA World Cup fever, CEN and CENELEC launch video campaign on standards in relation to football. They have also set up Coordination Group on Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC-CG) with the main aim to identify European Standards that should be revised in order to improve the resilience of key infrastructures to the current and potential impacts of climate change and severe weather events. Similarly, ETSI has joined hands to develop a standard to assess the direct environmental impact of ICT goods, networks and services, as well as their indirect impact on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of non-ICT industry sector. ETSI has also released the first global KPI on energy-efficiency in ICT.
European Commission signed a landmark agreement with South Korea on 5G mobile technology. They have agreed to work towards a global definition of 5G and to cooperate in 5G research and also recognized the need for harmonized radio spectrum to ensure global interoperability and on the preparation of global standards for 5G. The European Commission has also welcomed the European Parliament’s endorsement of the new target for CO2 emissions from cars. The target of 95g CO2/km in 2021 will further reduce road transport emissions and make a substantial contribution to meeting the EU objective of cutting greenhouse gas emissions beyond 2020. Details about the series of recommendations prepared by the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Cybersecurity Coordination Group (CSCG), presented to the European Commission and much more.
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 03, April 2014
We are pleased to bring you this third edition of our “Newsletter – INDIA”, a quarterly Newsletter bringing updates from the various projects and standards activities being undertaken by the European Standard Organizations (ESOs), the European Commission (EC) and the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) Office.
In this edition we bring you updates on European Standard on ‘Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe’ (EN 301549) as produced by the ESOs (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI).
We present you with a recent European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) Publication which gives an overview of EFTA’s activities, its institutional framework and provides information on the organization work in its two priority fields, namely the management of the Agreement of the European Economic Area (EEA) and EFTA’s expanding global free trade network including range of statistics on EFTA and its Member States.
Further piece of news will cover information about the first set of standards for Cooperative Intelligence Transport Systems (C-ITS) recently adopted and issued by CEN and ETSI. The ETSI partnership project OneM2M progress report from its 9th Technical Plenary is brought to you in this issue too along with the latest progress on Standards for nanotechnologies and nanomaterials delivered by CEN. Finally we shall look at the results of an EU study on Innovation and R&D and will see how technology development is helping to reduce carbon emission and much more.
It would be our endeavor to enrich you with many such interesting news and updates quarterly. Happy Reading!
SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 02, January 2014
Greeting from SESEI
At the outset, I would like to wish all of you a very happy and prosperous New Year. We bring to you the second edition of the Newsletter – INDIA. This periodic Newsletter is a way of communicating and bringing to you with an updates from the various projects and standards activities being undertaken by European Standard Organizations, European Commission and European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) Office.
A new study commissioned by CEN-CENELEC has established how European research projects contribute to standardization activities, and how such links can help to facilitate the dissemination of innovation. ETSI published the first five specifications on Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) which will be a milestone towards the use of NFV to simplify the roll-out of new network services, reduce deployment and operational costs and encourage innovation. The European Commission launched Horizon 2020 with €15 billion over first two years and presented calls for projects under Horizon 2020 – The European Union’s €80 billion research and innovation programme.
The European Standardization Organizations (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) have also published a report which sets out proposed standardization road maps for developing new standards that will contribute to improving the security of citizens. CEN and CENELEC are also working in cooperation with stakeholders to develop Standards that will support the effective implementation of smart metering systems for electricity, gas, water and heat.
ETSI signed a partnership agreement with the Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI). Final report was also released by the Cloud Standards Coordination initiative led by ETSI to identify a detailed map of the standards required to support a series of policy objectives defined for Cloud Computing. To support the development of 5G technologies, the European Commission has committed €700 million to leverage industry investment in R&D between 2014 and 2020 and has announced the 5G Public Private Partnership programme to accelerate and structure research and innovation for interoperable 5G networks.
It would be our endeavor to enrich you with many such interesting news and updates quarterly. Happy Reading!
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SESEI Newsletter, India Issue 01, 2013
Greeting from SESEI
It gives me an immense pleasure to introduce you in brief the Project SESEI (Seconded European Standardization Expert in India).
SESEI is a Standardization focused project established by EU Standards Organization CEN, CENELEC and ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) along with European Commission (EC) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
The overall objective of the project is to open up channels of communication to increase cooperation between EU/EFTA and Indian decision makers, opinion setters and stakeholders in the field of standardization and regulatory system. Priority sectors for this phase of the project are ICT, Automotive, Machinery, and Electronic Equipment including Consumer Electronics and any other sector/activity of mutual interest.
To support the objective, we bring you a periodic newsletter updates covering news and details of the important activities, efforts, reports, white papers, and standardization work being carried out by European Standards Organization, European Commission and EFTA with an endeavor to share best practices between EU and INDIA by gathering, analyzing and disseminating information about the standardization and regulatory system.
In this edition, we bring you the 25th Anniversary celebration of ETSI, update on Energy Efficiency activities at ETSI, ULE DECT specification, new phase of co-operation between EU Standard Organizations, white paper on ICT security, smart grid standards, latest on nanotechnologies, Toy Safety, LED lighting by CEN, CENELEC and much more about standardization activities of European Standards Organization.
Happy Reading!