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Main News

Adoption of TSDSI transposed 3GPP standards National Standards by TEC

TSDSI, as an organizational partner of 3GPP has transposed 3GPP standards (same as Recommendations ITU-R  M.2012-4) totaling 402 in numbers and had provided to TEC for adoption as national standards by TEC. These radio interface standards detail the features and parameters of IMT-Advanced like compatibility, international roaming, and access to high-speed data services.   These standards have been processed for adoption as per the “Standardization Guide – A policy document for adoption of the domestic/international standards into national standards”. Now, these standards [TSDSI transposed 3GPP standards (402 Nos.)] have been approved for adoption into national standards.

India driving electric mobility, energy storage sector growth: Experts

The Govt. of India is encouraging investments in the manufacturing of batteries and Niti Ayog is exploring to incentivize the production per kW. India will be moving fast with various favourable policies and schemes to implement efficient energy storage and electric mobility in the country, point out experts. Niti Aayog is working on inviting investments for cell manufacturing and is proposing direct incentives. The critical opportunity is to integrate energy storage, batteries and vehicle manufacturing for a viable commercial market.

Cabinet approves MoU between India & Finland in the field of Geology and Mineral Resources

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister approved MoU for cooperation in the field of geology and mineral resources between Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines, the Government of the Republic of India and Geological Survey of Finland (Geologiantutkimuskeskus), Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Government of Finland. The MoU facilitates cooperation in the field of geology, training, mineral prognostication and suitability analysis, 3/4D modelling, Seismic and other Geophysical surveys finalised with the intent of reinforcing and strengthening scientific links between the two Organisations.

India makes testing of imported telecom equipment mandatory

India has notified the World Trade Organization its intention to make it mandatory for telecom products sold, imported or used in the country, including feedback device, transmission terminal equipment and broadband equipment, to be tested and certified by the Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC) under the Department of Telecommunications (DoT).

In three separate submissions made to the WTO Committee on Technical Barrier to Trade on the three identified items, India sought comments from WTO members on the mandatory certification regime within 30 days.