Smart Mobility

The EN16803 series on GNSS makes autonomous driving safer
Autonomous driving is among the most demanding road applications. It requires high accuracy coupled to a high level of integrity. Furthermore, the environment in which it operates is much harsher than its counterparts in other domains like aviation or maritime... This combination of requirements puts autonomous guidance systems in a situation where its assessment, certification and type-approval are very complex. New methodologies are clearly needed to be able to tackle the upcoming PPP (Precise Point Positioning) or NRTK (Network Real Time Kinematic) techniques.
The WG1 'Navigation and positioning receivers for road applications' of CEN/CLC JTC5 ‘Space’, whose Secretariat is currently held by BNAE (AFNOR), has been developing a standardization framework for assessing GNSS-based positioning systems. This framework relies on the EN16803 series on the use of GNSS-based positioning for ITS and on-going projects led by the WG1.