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Main News

Government approved scheme for FAME India phase II

Government of India has approved the proposal of implementation of scheme titled “Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicle in India phase II (FAME India Phase II) for promotion of Electric Vehicle (EV) in the country. The scheme with total outlay of Rs 10,000 Crores (about 1.25 billion) over the period of three years (i.e. from 2019-20 to 2021-22) will be implemented with effect from 1st April 2019. 

Government unveiled Draft National E-commerce policy

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has released a draft National E-commerce Policy with aims to create a framework for achieving holistic growth of the e-commerce sector along with existing policies of Make in India and Digital India. The draft addresses six broad issues of the e-commerce ecosystem: Data, Infrastructure development, E-commerce marketplaces, Regulatory issues, Stimulating domestic digital economy and Export promotion through e-commerce. 

Government approved National Mission on Transformative Mobility and Battery Storage

Government has approved the proposal for setting up a national mission on transformative mobility and battery storage, to drive clean, connected, shared, sustainable and holistic mobility initiatives. Apart from this, government has also approved creation of Phased Manufacturing Program (PMP) for 5 years till 2024 to support setting up of a few large-scale, export-competitive integrated batteries and cell-manufacturing Giga plants in India.