Electrical Equip. /Consumer Electronics
Cabinet approves Measures to promote Hydro Power Sector
In order to boost hydro power generation, the government has approved a slew of measures including providing renewable energy status for large hydel projects and new funding provisions. With the government's decision, hydro projects above 25 MW will be considered as renewables and eligible for various incentives like financial assistance and cheaper credit (as per existing practice, only hydropower projects less than 25MW are categorized as Renewable Energy).
Union Cabinet approved new National Electronics Policy (NEP) 2019
The Cabinet has approved National Policy on Electronics 2019 in February 2019, which was proposed by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) in 2018. The Policy aims to position India as a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) by encouraging and driving capabilities in the country for developing core components, including chipsets, and creating an enabling environment for the industry to compete globally. NEP 2019 replaces NEP 2012.
Government to approve power tariff policy soon: Power Minister
The government will soon approve the power tariff policy which would provide for a penalty for unscheduled power cuts except in the case of technical faults or act of God (natural calamities) by distribution companies from April 1, 2019. In addition, second version of UDAY scheme (UDAY 2.0) meant for revival of debt-laden discoms is being worked out and would be launched with more technological interventions to reduce their Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses.
Government allocated INR 3,004.90 crore for development of solar power
Government has allocated Rs 3,004.90 crore (over €375 million) for development of solar power projects next financial year (2019-20) including both grid-interactive and off-grid and decentralized categories. Under grid-interactive schemes, the budgeted allocation for solar is seen rising 15% to Rs 2,479 crore (about €310 million) while the allocation for solar projects under off-grid and decentralized renewable power is seen declining 35% to Rs 525 crore (over €65 million) for FY 2019-20.
Sectorial report on Electrical Equipment including Consumer Electronics sector in India
SESEI drafted and released a sectorial report on Indian Electrical Equipment including Consumer Electronics sector covering sector profile, Industry trends & projections, key market players, new government policies and initiatives and standardization work. Report can be downloaded from here>> & Presentation is available here>>
Notifications, Guidelines released by Ministry of Power (MoP) and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
- Guidelines for Procurement of aggregated Power of 2500 MW under Pilot Scheme-II for three years (covered under Medium Term). Read more
- Notification for Quality Control Order on SPV Goods 2017. Read more
- Office Memorandum (OM) on “Implementation of approved Models & Manufacturers of Solar PV Modules (Requirements for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2019”. Read more
- MNRE along with the MoP announced the amendments to the guidelines for the tariff-based competitive bidding process for procurement & Power from grid-connected solar PV power projects. Read more
- Modifications in Scheme for “Development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Park Scheme. Read more
- Guidelines for enlistment under 'Approved Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules (Requirements for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2019. Read more
- Quality Control Order on Solar Thermal Systems/ Devices/Components Goods. Read more