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Department of Telecommunications (DoT) asks TEC to finalize IoT, M2M standards

Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC) has been asked to finalize standards for IoT/M2M as the country aspires to roll out 5G services at par with the rest of the world. The roadmap for M2M communications was released in May 2015 but the centre is yet to finalize generic requirement for the segment. So far, TEC has released Twelve Technical Reports (TRs) in the last three years.


Government plans national program on artificial intelligence (AI)

In order to take the benefit of AI and related technologies to the people, Government is planning to launch national program on AI. The program will be catalysed by the establishment of the National Centre for AI. The centre will be established as a hub along with centres of excellence. 9 priority areas had been identified by GoI for the same and a national portal on AI will be developed soon.