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Seconded European Standardization Expert in India

How the European Standardization Experts in India support European Industries

How the European Standardization Experts in India support European Industries

When: 24 June 2016

Where: Brussels, CEN-CENELEC Meeting Centre

Programme: draft programme is now available (pdf format)

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Find out how the Seconded European Standardization  Experts in India (SESEI) support European industries. The Seconded European Standardization Expert: Mr Dinesh CHAND SHARMA, in India (SESEI) will offer you privileged insights into the current Indian Policy and Standardization landscapes.

Through concrete case studies, where they have played a key role, you will learn how they support European industries and stakeholders’ interest in and India and understand the value they offer. The workshop will also provide a platform for feedback and guidance on future orientation of these projects.

Objectives of the workshop

  • to provide you with an overview of the role of the Seconded European Standardization Experts in India (SESEI) and how they support European interests;
  • to present you first-hand intelligence on the latest developments in the Indian standardization landscapes;
  • to show how you could get value out of these projects to support your own interests in India;
  • to share your views and guidance with the SESEI expert to help ensure that project fulfil the expectations of European industry and businesses towards India.

Key Subjects taken up at the Workshop by the Seconded European Standardization Expert in India (SESEI) are;

  1. Indian Standardisation System: India, is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country in the world and the largest democracy. In the recent times it has also earned the distinction of being one of the fastest growing economy. At the same time, the Indian Standardization System is complex and needs understanding of the various bodies and Ministries involved. As part of Project SESEI Phase 2 SESEI expert delivered a detailed report on the Indian Landscape around Standardizations, Policy & Legislation providing a great insight into the Indian standardization setup. The report will be further updated as part of Project SESEI Phase 3 and during the workshop, SESEI will provide audience with a complete view of the Indian standardization system, recent policy initiatives and ACTs as adopted by the Indian government to strengthen the standards making body BIS and strengthening ease of doing business in India.
  2. Smart Cities: The Government of India’s new ambitious project is deploying 100 Smart Cities in India. 98 cities were identified and submitted their smart city proposal to the Ministry of Urban Development. Total 33 cities has qualified for the Phase 1 implementation. The Government of India is also striking strategic partnerships with many European Countries for the development of Smart Cities and is also seeking funds from the World Bank for further investment in this mammoth project. The operational guidelines for the Smart City were issued earlier and recently, The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) under the Civil Engineering Division Council (CED) is working with the various stakeholders for formation of standards for Smart City while closely studying the ISO 37120 and identifying new indicators suitable to Indian context. The SESEI became active in the Smart City activity in India following up a decision in SC#7 of Project SESI Phase 2 to include Smart City as a Priority Sector and in coordination with the ESO’s Smart City Coordination Group (SCCG) started sharing and informing the Indian stakeholders about the European standardization work in the area and vice versa. Moreover, the SESEI has actively followed the work carried out at Smart City Panel of the Civil Engineering Department and Smart Infrastructure panel at ICT Department of BIS and periodically informed the Project stakeholders about standards work ongoing in line with ISO 37120 standards at ISO/TC 268 and other relevant technical committees at IEC, ISO and JTC1. During the workshop SESEI will share the latest status around it covering policy, legislation, standardization including achievement.
  3. LVDC: Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) has gained significant importance and attention of global community as it provides wider scope for generation and distribution of electricity with possible extensive usage of renewable energy resources. In the context of India, the biggest challenge that India is facing is to provide electricity to approximately 300 Million people spread in the rural and remote areas of the country. As per the conventional electricity system in place today, electrical devices are powered by AC mains. But as renewable technologies such as solar photovoltaic, wind power, fuel cells etc. become more prevalent at a household level; DC Microgrids could be a cheaper alternative. SESEI was instrumental in aligning LVDC work in India with IEC through CEN CENELEC and played a crucial role in coordinating a meeting between CEN CENELEC and BIS to organize IEC first convention on LVDC in India. A comprehensive report on the LVDC conference organized by IEC was prepared by SESEI. To read the same you may click here. In the workshop, SESEI will provide you with the insight into the introduction of LVDC in India and its latest status update.

With all briefing as above, it is all more important for all our stakeholders to join us on 24 th June to gain more insight into the Indian Standardization, Policy and Legislation around Project Priority Sectors covering ICT, Electrical Equipment including Consumer Electronics, Automotive (Connected Car/ITS) and Smart City etc.

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