Past Steering Committee

SESEI being a joint project commissioned by five important stakeholders from Europe is periodically monitored by the steering committee, wherein the committee members discuss progress on important project milestones and various deliverables in the pipeline
Steering Committee Meeting #10 – 23/02/2016:
Steering Committee Meeting No. SC#10 of the Project SESEI was held on 23rd February 2016 at Brussels. The meeting participants were;
- Chair: Margot Dor (ETSI), Secretary, Cyrill Dirscherl, European Commission, Hervè Gauthier & Eric Marchand CEN/CENELEC, Dinesh Sharma , SESEI
During the meeting the following points were taken up for discussion: - Review of Actions of the meeting SC#9, 3
- SESEI Project Management – Final reporting phase
- SESEI Expert Report
— Last Quarter Major Activities
— SESEI Items for discussion/decision (if any)
— Discussion on final report
- The future of SESEI, discussion on SESEI 3 without SESEI-2
— Status selection candidates
— Way forward and next steps
Final meeting closed with a word of appreciation towards the success of SESEI-2, great coordination and cooperation extended by all the team members and SESEI-2 team. Action item pending from this last meeting will be discussed and if needed will be included as part of SESEI-3 scope of deliverables via its first steering committee meeting.
Steering Committee Meeting #9 – 01/12/2015:
Steering Committee Meeting No. SC#9 of the Project SESEI was held on 1st December 2015 at Brussels. The meeting participants were;
- Chair: Margot Dor (ETSI), Secretary : Bernardo Correia (ETSI), Silvia Vaccaro, European Commission, Anne Gianniodis, European Commission, Hervè Gauthier, CEN/CENELEC, Dinesh Sharma , SESEI
During the meeting the following points were taken up for discussion:
- SESEI 3 ToR in absence of SESEI-2
- Review of Actions of the meeting SC#08a, SESEI Project Management Status
- Association Membership review,
- SESEI 2 Final report – timeline ,
- Proposed SESE-related event in Brussels in 2016 (CCMC)
- Meeting concluded with an action item for SESEI to produce a short report on Ease of Doing Businesss in India and LVDC event report.
SESEI will work towards closure of action item from SC#9 and start preparation for the Final Report.
SESEI Conference call SC#8a – 7/9/2015:
Conference call Meeting of the Project SESEI was held on 7th September 2015. The meeting was held virtually and the participants were;
- Chair: Margot Dor (ETSI), Secretary : Bernardo Correia (ETSI), Silvia Vaccaro, European Commission, Anne Gianniodis, European Commission, Hervè Gauthier, CEN/CENELEC, Dinesh Sharma , SESEI, Priya Sawhney , SESEI
The main agenda and discussions of the Steering Committee were held around
- Project SESEI 3 Technical Proposal (i.e. ToR) without the presence of SESEI-2
- Project Deliverables, Status of Actions/Decisions
- SESEI expert report, Latest developments/activities and planned activities for next quarter.
Apart from many other action items among the members, meeting concluded with an action item of A04/08a on SESEI, which is to prepare and present a document on the benefit received, achieved, purpose, etc. from/with Association membership of the LO.
Steering Committee Meeting #8 – 25/06/2015:
The eight meeting of the Steering Committee (SC) was held on the 25th of June 2015. The meeting was hosted by ETSI at their Sophia Antipolis, Nice and was attended by the representatives of the SESEI Project partners and the SESEI. The list of participants included:
- Chair: Margot Dor, ETSI
- Secretary: Bernardo Correia, ETSI
- Silvia Vaccaro, European Commission
- Anne Gianniodis, European Commission
- Cyrill Dirscherl, European Commission
- Elin Engelsen Geitle, EFTA
- Hervè Gauthier, CEN CENELEC
- Cindy DeDelley, ETSI
- Dinesh Chand Sharma, SESEI
The following points were taken up during the meeting:
Review of Actions of the meeting #07, SESEI Project Management status, Interim report planning/status and ToR of 3rd Phase of SESEI after 2016?
SESEI Expert Status Report covering Last Quarter Major Activities, Planned activities for next quarter including Items for discussion/decision and Updated SESEI Project Strategy Presentation
Report presentation by SESEI Expert on “Cyber Security, Telecom Security & Data Privacy.
The next Steering Committee meeting will be held on the 1st of December 2015 in Brussels with the presence of the Expert.
Steering Committee Meeting #7 – 04/03/2015:
The seventh meeting of the Steering Committee (SC) was held on 4th March 2015. The meeting was hosted by EFTA at their Brussels office and was attended by the representatives of the SESEI Project partners, the SESEI and his assistant participated remotely. The list of participants included:
- Chair: Margot Dor, ETSI
- Secretary: Bernardo Correia ,ETSI
- Silvia Vaccaro , European Commission
- Margrethe Asserson, EFTA
- Elin Engelsen Geitle, EFTA
- Hervè Gauthier, CEN CENELEC
- Dinesh Chand Sharma – SESEI
- Priya Sawhney – SESEI
The following points were taken up during the meeting:
Review of Actions of the meeting #06, SESEI Project Management status, Interim report planning/status and SESEI after 2016?
SESEI Expert Status Report covering Last Quarter Major Activities, Planned activities for next quarter including Items for discussion/decision and Updated SESEI Project Strategy Presentation
The next Steering Committee meeting will be held on the 25th of June 2015 at ETSI premises starting at 09:00 in conjunction with the SESEC SC#6.
Steering Committee Meeting #6 – 24/11/2014:
The sixth meeting of the Steering Committee (SC) was held on 24th November 2014. The meeting was hosted by EFTA at their Brussels office and was attended by the representatives of the SESEI Project partners. The list of participants included:
- Chair: Margot Dor, ETSI
- Secretary: Bernardo Correia ,ETSI
- Silvia Vaccaro , European Commission
- Anne Gianniodis European Commission
- Margrethe Asserson, EFTA
- Anna Constable, EFTA
- Elin Engelsen Geitle, EFTA
- Hervè Gauthier, CEN CENELEC
- Sarah Penny – CEN CENELEC
- Dinesh Chand Sharma – SESEI
- Betty Xu – SESEC
This meeting was organized jointly with the SESEC Steering Committee. The following points were taken up during the meeting:
Review of Actions of the meeting #05a, SESEI Project Management Status, Project SESEI survey results and SESEI after 2016?
SESEI Expert Status Report covering Last Quarter Major Activities, Planned activities for next quarter including Items for discussion/decision and Updated SESEI Project Strategy Presentation
The next Steering Committee meeting will be held on the 4th of March 2015 at EFTA premises starting at 09:00 in conjunction with the SESEC SC#5.
Steering Committee Meeting #5 – 2/6/2014:
The fifth meeting of the Steering Committee (SC) was held on 2nd meeting was hosted by ETSI at their headquarters in Sophia Antipolis (France) and opened by Mr. Jorgen Friis, ETSI CSO. The meeting was attended by the following officials of the Project Partners:
- SESEI Project Manager and SC secretary: Mr. Bernardo Correia, ETSI.
- ETSI: Cindy De Delley
- European Commission – DG ENTR: Ms. Silvia Vaccaro
- CEN/CENELEC: Mr. Hervè Gauthier
- Project SESEI Team Members: Mr. Dinesh Chand Sharma, SESEI and Ms. Priya Sawhney Mohindru, SESEI Assistant.
The main items discussed during the meeting were:
- Review of Actions items from meeting #04 and pending action items
- SESEI Project Management Status
- Project SESEI Assessment (survey monkey)
- Project Management/SC and SESEI performance overall
- SESEI Expert Report
- Last Quarter Major Activities
- Planned activities for next quarter
- SESEI Items for discussion/decision
- SESEI Project Strategy Presentation
The next steering committee meeting SC #6 is scheduled to be held on November 4th 2014 coinciding with ETSI GA and CEN GA. Meeting will be hosted by EFTA in Brussels. An electronic meeting #5a will be held on September 4th.
Steering Committee # 4, Virtual Meeting on 13th February 2014
The fourth steering committee meeting was held on 13th February 2014. This was one of the first occasions when the steering committee members and SESEI team conducted this meeting virtually [GOTOMEETING].The discussions held and decisions agreed during the meeting as per the agenda agreed are as under:
- DECT Rollout policy initiative
- SESEI Project Management Status covering Project Budget Status, Liaison Office Establishment and Inception report format and table of content
- SESEI Project Overview covering last quarter major activities, Items need discussion and decision from SC# Members, and planned activities of next quarter
- Approval of Mini Training for Indian Assistant, Schedule and training details.
- Progress update on ETSI-SESEI conference “Indo-European Dialogue of ICT Standards & Emerging Technologies” and Workshop “Security and Energy Efficiency
- Activity Tracker format, information and sharing
- ETSI response to Department of Telecom M2M Questionnaire and Letter in support of DECT Rollout policy initiative by India
- Proposed Joint BIS – CEN CENELEC Workshop
Steering Committee # 03, Brussels 12th October 2013
The third meeting of the SESEI Steering committee was held on 12th October 2013 in Brussels. Some of the important items taken up during the steering committee meeting are as under:
- Review of Actions of the meeting #02 including items from Conference Call #01
- SESEI Project Management – Status on Liaison Office establishment (RBI approval) and way forwards, EBTC lease agreement, Status on Budget.
- Discussion on Quarterly reports distribution, contents, Steering Committee self-assessment (questionnaire to assess satisfaction survey within stakeholder organizations)
- SESEI shared the Project Status Update, Activities of last quarter , and discussion on Items require Steering committee decisions , Review of SESEI Project Strategy for changes/update only, and Activities planned for next Quarter
Steering Committee # 2, Brussels 12th June’2013
Second steering committee meeting to assess the progress of Project SESEI was held in Brussels on 12th June 2013. During the second steering committee meeting the documents presented for discussion were:
- SESEI strategy presentation, Performance Indicator and deliverables, SESEI Flyer, Newsletter and Contact categorization and management.
- SESEI also submitted the Report on Indian Landscape around Standardizations Policy R&D and Innovation. The report provides a comprehensive view of the Indian standardization scenario.
- SESEI Website and content was exhibited to all members for their inputs and feedback.
- The Committee also discussed the formats agreed for Contact list format, Weekly NEWS item distribution list and frequency of distribution and Activity Tracker format and frequency.
- Discussions around the possibility and preparation for the CCMC Bilateral Meeting during next ISO/IEC in Indian during 22 – 25th Oct 2013.
Steering Committee # 01, Brussels 5th March ’2013
After completing a 8 week comprehensive training in Europe to forge a good understanding of the SESEI Project different partners, its objectives and to familiarize with the European standardization landscape, the first meeting of the Steering Committee of the SESEI project was held on 5th March 2013 in Brussels. For that occasion, a detailed training report was submitted by SESEI along with the first quarterly report. Main focus of the first quarter post establishment of the SESEI project in India was:
- Introduction of Project SESEI to the EU and Indian Standardization Community in India. Meetings with Industry Association’s i.e. (FICCI, CII, ASSOCHAM) to introduce the SESEI project and explore areas of collaboration in the identified priority areas of the project viz Automotive, Electrical Equipment including Consumer Electronics, Machinery and ICT.
- Meeting with Telecommunication Engineer Center (TEC) to introduce SESEI project and explore areas of collaboration e.g., Energy Efficiency, Mobile Terminal Certification, Equipment Safety and Security, Lab set up etc.
- Meeting with BIS, New Delhi office to introduce SESEI project, discuss IEC event, and explore ad-hoc meetings with Industry, MoU/LoI etc.
- Establishment of Liaison office in India
- Website content finalization with steering committee members and make it live once Liaison Office is in place
- Prepare a Project Strategy Paper in line with the SESEI ToR
- Consolidate list of industry associations/Forums important for the identified priority sectors, study participation model (e.g. via partnership, membership, etc.), to be presented to steering committee members
- Meeting with Power Ministry for status update and Explore possibility of collaboration, membership etc.