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Seconded European Standardization Expert in India

Smart Cities – Role of Standards (Webinar)


Date: Tuesday 17th March 2015

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM IST / 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM CET

Cost: Free

Key speakers:

  • Mr. Dinesh Chand Sharma (Director – Standardization, Policy and Regulation, Project SESEI on European Standards)

  • Ms. Anya Margaret Ogorkiewicz (Managing Director, The Keryx Group; Polish Permanent Representative to the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart City Standardisation Coordination Group (SSCC-CG))

India’s focus on Smart cities can be regarded as one of the most ambitious plans that Prime Minister Modi has proposed for revolutionising growth. As part of this initiative, the Indian Government will be developing 100 Smart Cities in the vicinity of existing/new major cities and getting them up to a new level of development.

Hence, it would be interesting to understand how different components within urban context such as green & sustainable buildings, electricity, urban transport, waste and water services, security, surveillance, network & communication technologies, work in tandem. This webinar shall help in understanding the importance of standards including other aspects of a smart city.

The webinar will broadly cover:

  • Smart City Building Blocks and how standards can help planning and operating a smart city.

  • Benefits of standards, including Architecture and International Standards work on Smart Cities and more.

The webinar would be of particular interest to stakeholders working/involved in the “Smart City” realm such as Planners & Developers, Governments, Investors, Industry Suppliers, Associations, and Utility Providers etc.

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